What to know when using
Dating Jewish Online Services

Jewish dating Websites

Online dating has exploded in recent years, and Orthodox Jewish dating is no exception. Dating Jewish online services have sprung up for the many different streams and shades of Orthodox Jews. Orthodox Jewish singles searches have reached into the millions, and there are more and more choices for those looking for a partner.

Those who visit Orthodox Jewish dating sites should know about two important halachot, or laws before taking the plunge and going on that first date. Jewish dating web sites generally don't discuss these laws on their websites, as each person would be better off consulting his or her own rabbi for halachic discussions, but these are major laws within the frum Jewish world, especially when it comes to dating.

Important things to know


Orthodox Jews take the concept of dating very seriously, and in general, do not date casually. Due to one law called yichud, which means "alone," unmarried males and females may not be in a private, confined space together. While this law is relaxed for certain family members, those who are dating and unmarried should be aware of this extremely important law.

The term yichud also refers to the period of time a newly married couple spends together directly after their wedding, which can be seen as a public declaration that the two are now completely permitted to one another. In the times of the Talmud, this would also be when the couple would consummate their marriage, but this custom is no longer practiced. These days, the couple generally goes off into a room in the wedding hall, alone together.


Coupled with the law of yichud is the law of shomer negia, which translates literally to "guarding touch." Similar to yichud, unmarried males and female may not touch one another, with the exception of one's spouse, children, grandchildren, parents and grandparents. Some Jews take measures to avoid even accidental touch, such as avoiding sitting next to a member of the opposite sex on a public bus while others simply avoid purposeful contact. When it comes to shaking hands with those who don't know about this pertinent halacha, poskim, or the rabbis who decide on halacha, disagree on what exactly should be done. One should contact his or her own rabbi when dealing with this issue.


Those who use Orthodox Jewish singles searches generally know about these laws, as they are practiced widely by religious Jews. Dating Jewish online service users vary in their levels of observance, but users of Orthodox Jewish dating sites such as Saw You at Sinai and Frumster, which are geared toward religious Jewish singles, typically know about these laws. Other Jewish dating web sites for religious Jews are Orthodate, Kosher Stars, Mikomos, Hineni, Dosi Date (available in Hebrew and English) and Aish, which has great articles on dating and speed dating events. These dating Jewish online services have all made successful matches and are great places to possibly meet one's bashert, or destined mate.

Dating Jewish online services are always growing, even in the Orthodox sector. It seems at though new Jewish dating web sites are constantly popping up and immediately gaining many members. Orthodox Jewish singles searches are growing more diverse as well as more popular, and the taboo of internet dating seems to have faded away.

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